"The tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Nephi 1:20)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A good day!

The medicine dripped into Hayleys veins for 15 hours. We were nervous the entire time because her blood pressure went above 200 and her heart went crazy. They did an EKG.

They then took her to do the plazmappharesis. This is where they take out her blood and seperate the plazma out and put in new plazma. She has done this 2 times.

The doctor came in and said that her kidney function was doing better as a result of the meds and plazma. That is the first time we have heard better kidney function. It was a great day! Hayley's spirits are great1

Thanks for all your love and prayers!


Laurel Rasmussen said...

Praying for you, sweet girl! As soon as I fly into Arizona I'll be seeing you!! Stay strong. Love you!

Unknown said...

I worked with Hayley at the gym. She was always smiling and was so awesome with all the little kids. Feel better Hayley, lots of people are thinking about you.
Take care, Gigi Curtis

Dustin & Kylee Nickerson said...

Breanda, Let us know when it's O.K. for Hayley to have visitors. We would love to spend some time with her when she is up for it. We had a kidney donated from daughter to mother in my family, (my aunt and cousin) about a year and a half ago, and both have done excellent! I know Hayley will too! We will continue to include her and the family in our prayers. Let us know if there is anything we can do!
Kim Robinson

tangleaz said...

We LOVE you Hayley! The kids are fasting and praying for you. :0) Glad to hear the meds are working. Wish we were closer so we could come and see you. Hugs and kisses!!

Rick, Tana, Hunter, Morgan and Gabe